• ul. Grzybowska 87, Concept Tower, 08-444, Warszawa, Polska
  • +48 733-76-05-76 | +38 063-588-18-58
  • 9:00 - 17:00

International scientific conference

Acceptance of applications for participation. Requirements. Cost.


Scientific journals

Requirements. Sections.



Monographs, conference proceedings, training manuals.


We are iScience – Polish scientific publishing.

We publish monographs, articles and books, textbooks by researchers from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Ukraine. We organize and hold conferences, where you can present your improvements to the scientific community.

We work with students, postgraduates, doctors of Sciences, teachers, scientists. It does not matter what country you live in and what form of education you are in. If you do some research and you have ready the materials, we will be happy to help in the implementation.

The whole process of working on your book or conference, we are ready to help, advise and resolve issues. We are responsible for quality and organization, do everything on time and save your time and effort. iScience makes it so that your research can study on the other side of the planet, and you can change the world for the better..

We will publish your:

  • Monographs on various topics;
  • Fiction;
  • Articles in Ukrainian, Russian, English, Polish;
  • Methodical manual;
  • Scientific work;
  • Textbooks;
  • Lectures;
  • Guidelines for laboratory work;
  • Collections of conferences, etc.


Do not trust us on words, look what they say about our work.

Спасибо за оперативность и обязательность в работе! Уверены в дальнейшем сотрудничестве! Хороших праздников и продуктивных будней!

Members of the Department of ETWPS
Zaporizhzhya national technical University, Ukraine

Співвідношення ціна – якість прийнятна. Вирішення робочих моментів оперативне та достатньо швидке. На нашу думку над версткою, дизайном потрібно постійно працювати та вдосконалюватися. А взагалі всі види робіт виконувалися оперативно та вирішувалися всі питання в робочому порядку. В подальшому я та мої колеги мають надію на подальше співробітництво з Вами.

Boiko Serhii Mykolaiovych
PhD (Engineering), Doctoral Candidate of Kremenchuh National University named after M. Ostrohradskyi

Посылку получили! Большое вам спасибо за качественную работу, профессионализм и неравнодушие. Спасибо за сувениры. Мы настроены на продолжение сотрудничества. Желаем вам высоких индексов.

Ramzia Nurullovna Valiullina
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Our history

  • Opening of a representative office in Central Asia is planned
  • Release of the first monographs
  • The first hundred of authors
  • First international conference
  • Run the project
  • The birth of an idea

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